So I went off to see if I could find a recipe that could hold up to my husband's expectations of what a quiche should be and what it should taste like.
After checking out a few recipes from the web, I settled on modifying one from Fat Free Vegan Kitchen. It was orginally crustless and my since my husband's quiche had a crust, I was going to have one as well! It was also originally done as "mini's" but I wanted a full on pie size.
It was actually surprisingly easy to make, as are most of the Fat Free Vegan Kitchen's Recipes, and I waited patiently for my husband to arrive home. Oh boy was he going to be surprised.. or else...

Much to my delight he LOVED it. I don't mean the " Aww, my wife cooked so I must love it" kind of love, but the "OMG I REMEMBER WHY I MARRIED THIS WOMAN!" love!
As I mentioned I did modify the ingredients, added a crust and made it full size but the base is the same so try it out!
came across your blog from veggieboards and everything is so lovely! My husband also thinks weekend mornings are optional. :) Thanks for the wonderful posts so far.