Sunday, November 21, 2010

Deluxe Chocolate Brownies

So my husband has a soft spot for brownies, and not just any brownie but a fudgy, rich, moist brownie! In the book "The Joy of Vegan Baking" there is an excellent receipe for this.

These brownies are simple to make and taste amazing! They have applesauce in them to lower the sugar content and it makes them all the more moist. I also add a half a cup of chocolate chips to them for bursts of warm chocolate yumminess!

Needless to say these brownies are now all gone and my husband is quite full. I love them too, much to the detriment of my workout routine, but what's the point of working out without being able to have a few goodies now and then?

Have a great weekend and enjoy a brownie!

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